SWiCH Treatment, A Charlie Rae Anti-Aging Favorite That Works!
Make the SWiCH to younger, healthier skin!
SWiCH, Circadia’s signature treatment, is a unique alternative to chemical peels that takes advantage of the skin’s natural repair mechanism without causing damage. This treatment imparts an immediate boost to the look and feel of aging skin. Your skin cells will be gently and safely revitalized for fresher, younger-looking skin.
How does it work?
This treatment requires a commitment to at least 8 months. Each month the treatment is done to help the body generate its own cellular energy to create luminous and firmer skin. During your consultation we will discuss how many treatments are required to achieve the results you desire. You do need to be ready to make the commitment to achieve maximum cumulative results. You may be asked to return in 2 weeks to receive a quick enzyme treatment to enhance the results and have a light exfoliation.
The SWiCH solution is applied and you will feel an immediate heat appear. Its not stinging or burning but the heat you feel is actually the energy being produced in the mitochondria. The heat you will feel lasts only about 30 seconds and isn’t all that uncomfortable. The energy is used to create a beautiful glow with firmer skin and even skin tone.
Is this a chemical peel?
No. This is an alternative to traditional peels. Peel rely on your skins ability to regenerate and repair after an injury. Consistent damage to the skin can lead to side effects causing thin or hyperpigmented skin.
Is SWiCH safe?
You will be asked a series of questions to determine if this is the right treatment for you. If you are the right canidate the treatment is perfectly safe
SWiCH can not be performed on anyone who is pregnant, nursing, allergic to aspirin or salicylates, and cancer patients. You can not use any form of Vitamin A during your treatments.
Is there downtime? Can I wear makeup?
There is no downtime with this treatment. Little to no peeling will occur but you may experience slight redness after the treatment that will subside in a few hours. Eye makeup and lipstick may be worn immediately and all other makeup may be applied the next day.
Is there special care after the treatment?
Yes, you will be given two products to use over the next 3 days with special instructions. You will be recommended home care for the time between your treatments.
Circadia SWiCH Benefits:
Activates the body’s natural repair and renewal system
Initiates increased cell-to-cell communication
Promotes healing and immune defense
Supports increased energy production in dermal and epidermal cells
Brightens skin and reduces pigmentation
Safe and gentle
Little downtime following treatment
*Results based on following professional protocol.