What is Procell Microchanneling?

What is Procell Micro-Channeling?
How does the Procell device differ from other microneedling and microchanneling devices?

Procell uses a stamping method to create channels rather than a rolling method or dragging method used by pens. The stamping method causes the least amount of damage while still triggering the wound response in our skin. Rolling or dragging can create microscopic tears in the skin which can cause more discomfort and increase downtime to 5-7 days. The stamping method allows the skin to heal quickly with only 90 minutes of downtime!

What is Micro-Channeling?
Microchanneling is an advanced treatment but not invasive! The procedure creates hundreds of thousands of channels in the skin allowing the serums to penetrate more effectively. These little micro channels trigger an inflammatory healing response. This procedure is designed to stimulate your body’s own natural ability to generate collagen, elastin, and other building blocks of healthy skin. After a few treatments the skin looks younger, smoother, firmer, more even skin tone and reduced scaring and pore size. 

What serums are used?
We use Procell's Microchannel Delivery Serum. It contains bone marrow-derived growth factors in a hyaluronic acid suspension. Both of these elements are naturally-occurring in the human body. There are no human, animal, or plant cells, DNA, blood, or any other foreign substances. The product has been used safely and effectively for over a decade.

We also add other serums to target your specific needs. 

Who can have this treatment?
Every skin type can receive this treatment! We may have to do a few facials to get your skin to optimal health first but your practitioner can advise you how to get there. 

If you have any underlying conditions that impairs your immune system, have any blood disorders, allergic to stainless steel or are pregnant or nursing, this treatment may not be for you.

What does it feel like?
There is a slight stinging sensation while the skin is being stamped. It goes quickly and you will finish with a slight sunburn feeling. Our treatment includes a cool down portion that is longer than the Procell treatment itself. Your skin may feel tight afterwards. For most people, the redness disappears after an hour and the most sensitive have reported only a few hours. 

What skin conditions will this help?
Microchanneling can reduce the appearance of fine line and deeper wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, scaring, stretch marks, and rosacea! We can even treat hair loss. Talk to one of our practitioners at Charlie Rae Skincare for more information on hair rejuvenation services.

What do I do after my treatment?
Downtime is about 90 minutes so that means no sun exposure, no touching the treated areas or applying any products. After 90 minutes, you may apply sunscreen or moisturizer if needed. It is best that you schedule your treatments so you do not need to wear makeup for the rest of the day. For a few days you will only use gentle hydrating products with no harsh active ingredients and use serums provided to you after your treatment. Your service provider will give you more details of home care use at the time of your service. If you are unsure of your homecare products and their ingredients, bring them to your appointment so we can advise you on which ones to take a short break. 

How many treatments do I need?
We can see results in as little as one treatment but we recommend a series of at least 3-4. We do offer package deals! The great thing about these treatments is they are a permanent reversal. That means we won’t have to do upkeep every few months. Once you complete this series, you won’t be doing another for many, many years. It’s an investment that lasts unlike more aggressive treatments like lasers, injectables, and deep peels.


  • Anti-Aging

  • Scar Treatment

  • Pore Size Reduction

  • More Even Skin Tone

  • Redness Reduction

  • Firmer Skin

  • Reduce Hyperpigmentation

  • Smoother Skin

  • Improved Elasticity

  • Glowing, Radiant Skin

Elizabeth Moeller

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Inspire small businesses to grow past their potential by leveraging systems and tools to change the lives of every one of their customers.


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